Present: Alasdair Bell (AB); Neil Brophy (NB); Paul Cooney (PC); Ross McLean (RMc); Tristan Wooler (TW)
Apologies: Philip Ross (PR); Alice Broome (AB2); Emily Broome (EB);
HTSA has opened a line of communication with Labour parliamentary candidate for Huddersfield Harpreet Uppal (HU). HU has expressed interest in meeting in-person with the HTSA Board and this PC will make contact with Harpreet to arrange. The FSA Fan Survey has been distributed recently, PC to fill out the Fan Survey on behalf of HTSA. The GoFundMe fundraiser for Huddersfield Town Women’s FC has been re-launched for the 22/23 season. After speaking with the chair of HTWFC, HTSA has been promoting the fundraiser via social media channels.
Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings
In light of recent discussions, a survey based on gambling companies is to be created and sent to HTSA members and social media followers, in an attempt to gather opinions from our base.
Minutes from previous meetings are to be formatted and uploaded.
Board Member Drive
HTSA is currently seeking new volunteers and potential board members to assist with tasks such as taking minutes, organising events, managing financial accounts, taking part in social media campaigns and stewarding away travel. RMc to action on social media channels, with a general open call to be pushed, providing our e-mail address for any interested parties.
Indemnity Insurance
PC expressed a need for HTSA to research indemnity insurance to cover any potential eventualities. TW to look into what HTSA would need in regards to indemnity insurance, costs and whether the FSA provide any information or support in regards to the matter.
Matters to Raise with HTAFC
HTSA to raise re-investment concerns with the Club based on events of the last season. Coventry (A) fixture was postponed and Birmingham (A) rearranged. HTSA to request that the Club give as much notice as possible if fixtures are to be rearranged, as fans often purchase more affordable travel, which tends to be non-refundable.
RMc to forward on a fan complaint regarding certain weeknight night away fixtures being far from home.
HTSA to ask the Club whether there is any engagement with local public transport companies to provide discounted or free travel for match attendees. FirstBus provides this currently in Leeds for Rugby League fixtures and the Leeds Festival. TW to action this.
Due to the current lack of stewarding, providing competitive away travel to games is becoming increasingly difficult. The volunteer/board member drive may bring in new stewards and opportunities to run coaches, however if the current situation remains, HTSA may have to announce that away travel will not be provided going forward. Regardless, HTSA gives thanks to Robert Pepper for all the correspondence and support so far this season.
There was recently an issue on the Join tab of the website regarding PayPal payments, which RMc has fixed. RMc and NB expressed how the current membership system is slightly better, but could do with some more automation to ensure a smoother sign-up process. This is quite an undertaking due to the size of the current database and certain restrictions due to the website provider, but RMc will do some research and bring findings to the next board meeting.
Social Media
There has been a boost in social media content and promotion due to the new season starting. HTSA would like to keep promoting HTWFC team, Fans For Foodbanks, PledgeBall and the Sustainable Stadium Campaign through the 2022/23 season. There is a requirement currently for some assistance with social media accounts, due to a current social media operator decreasing their duties. PC asked if HTSA could promote FSA’s weekly updates, and the board agreed to do so.
February 4th 2023 is the EFL Green Weekend, which also coincides with the ‘My Club, My Shirt’ game. This would be a great opportunity to show support from HTSA.
HTSA to raise issues with the Club regarding waste bins. There is a current lack of signage in regards to what should be disposed of in which bin. AOB 38 degrees petition discussed. The petition calls for gambling ads to be kicked out of football. Board members were urged to sign it.
HTSA to craft a gambling survey and publish to members and wider HTAFC fanbase. Aim of reviewing results at next AGM.
The HTSA AGM is approaching and will be held in November. There are two more HTSA Board meetings prior to the AGM. Preparations for the AGM will be an agenda item for the next Board meeting.